Incident: American B772 enroute on Aug 16th 2018,
dropped panel in flight
An American Airlines Boeing 777-200, registration N755AN performing flight AA-61 (dep Aug 15th) from Dallas Ft. Worth,TX (USA) to Tokyo Narita (Japan), completed a seemingly uneventful flight with a safe landing on Narita's runway 16L.
A post flight inspection revealed a glass fiber panel, size about one square meter (10 square feet) weighing about 2kg/4 lbs, was missing from the fuselage just aft of the trailing edge of the right hand wing.
A search for the panel on Narita Airport was not successful.
The occurrence aircraft is still on the ground at Narita Airport about 39 hours after landing.
The missing panel:
فيه حادثة مشابهة حصلت العام الماضي لطائرة B777 التابعة لشركة KLM اقلعت من مطار هانيدا وسقطت قطعة من الطائرة على سيارة وتسببت بأضرار بالسيارة
حادثة ايضاً لطائرة B767 تابعة لطيران ANA باليابان وسقط قطعة من الطائرة يعادل طولها متر تقريباً ؟؟