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السلامة الجوية Flight Safety متابعة أخبار حوادث الطيران وتحليل المعلومات التي أدت إليها. راجع فهرس قسم السلامة الجوية |
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مشاركة [ 1 ] | ||||
تورونتو (رويترز) - اعلنت شركة فيرست اير الكندية للطيران ان 12 شخصا قتلوا عندما تحطمت طائرة تابعة للشركة قرب منطقة ريزولت باي في اقصى شمال القطب الشمالي الكندي ولكن ثلاثة اشخاص نجوا من الحادث.
وقالت الشركة ان الطائرة المستأجرة كانت في رحلة من يلونايف عاصمة الاقاليم الشمالية . وكانت الطائرة تقل 15 شخصا وتحطمت على بعد ما يزيد قليلا عن ميل من المطار في روزلت باي. ومن المقرر ان يزور رئيس الوزراء ستيفن هاربر المنطقة هذا الاسبوع في اطار جولة سنوية في منطقة القطب الشمالي. المصدر |
مشاركة [ 2 ] | ||||
التاريخ: الأحد 21 رمضان 1432 هـ الموافق : 21 أغسطس 2011 م الضحايا: 12 شخص المكان: القطب الشمالي الطائرة: بوينغ من طراز B737 Plane crashes in Canadian Arctic, 12 killed
RESOLUTE BAY, Nunavut (AP) — A chartered Boeing 737-200 plane crashed Saturday afternoon as it was approaching an airport in Canada's Arctic region, killing 12 people and injuring three, police said. Residents of the tiny hamlet of Resolute Bay in the Arctic territory of Nunavut and soldiers from a nearby military exercise rushed to the scene in a desperate effort to try and pull survivors from the flaming wreckage. First Air charter flight, number 6560, was traveling from Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories to Resolute Bay, and was scheduled to continue on to Grise Fiord on Ellesmere Island. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Angelique Dignard said the plane was carrying 15 people, including four crew members. Two adults and a child were flown to a hospital in the territorial capital of Iqaluit for treatment, police said. One of the adults was in critical condition. Doreen McDonald passed near the charred wreckage of the plane as she was returning to town from a camping trip. "It's in three different pieces. The wings are still attached. The front and back are separated," she said. "And they were picking up pieces of bodies." The crash has sent a wave of sorrow through the community of about 230 people. "People are still in shock," said McDonald, adding her phone had been ringing nonstop as the community tried to come to grips with the tragedy. |
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السلامة الجوية Flight Safety |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
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