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أكاديميات ومدارس الطيران Academic School عرض الجديد عن تدريس وتدريب الطيران //
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للأكاديميــــات تنويه : المشاركات الجديدة هنا ستعرض على المراقبة قبل اعتمادها للعرض! |
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مشاركة [ 1 ] | ||||
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا اريد كتب الطيران فى ملفات pdf مشكورا او غيرها المهم الى عنده الكتب دى ياريت مشكورا يرفعها لى أسرار الطيران ( إحسان عبدالعزيز قطب) علوم الطيران والهندسة التقنية (سالم رجـب الزهـــرانـــي) مواقف طيار (أنس القــــــــــــــــــــــــوز) ياريت الى عنده الكتب دى يرفعهالى مشكورا ولو فى كتب تانيه يبقى جزاكم الله كل خير flag7 |
مشاركة [ 2 ] | ||||
هذه الكتب غير متوفرة في ملفات pdf
يمكن لك مراجعة قسم موسوعة دروس خط الطيران Flying Way encyclopedia وسوف تجد كتب متنوعة في القسم موسوعة خط الطيران (دروس-كتب-مواضيع مهمة) كتاب أسرار الطيران ... اختبارات التويك والاشكال الذي واجهنا https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?t=75918 راجع الموضوع التالي: لتتعرف على المزيد من المعلومات عن الكتاب https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?t=16829 . . . وهذه مواضيع من الكتاب https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?p=9571 https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?t=2323 https://www.flyingway.com/vb/showthread.php?t=507 |
مشاركة [ 4 ] | ||||
FAR = Federal Aviation Regulations AIM = Aeronautical Information Manual تحميل الكتاب نسخة فبراير 2010 حجم الكتاب 12 ميجا بصيغة pdf أضغط بالزر الأيمن وأختر حفظ الهدف بإسم https://air.flyingway.com/books/AIMbasic2-11-10.pdf أو من الرابط التالي: https://www.faa.gov/airports_airtraff.../media/aim.pdf كود:
Aeronautical Information Manual FAR/AIM 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS: The FAR section includes parts: 1 - Definitions and abbreviations 11 - General Rule Making Procedures 13 - Investigative and Enforcement Procedures 61 - Certification of pilots and instructors 67 - Medical standards 71 - Airspace and airways 73 - Special use airspace 91 - General operating and flight rules 97 - Instrument approach procedures 103 - Ultralight vehicles 105 - Parachute Jumping 119 - Certification of air carriers and commercial operations 135 - Commuter and charter operations 137 - Agricultural aircraft operations 141 - Pilot schools 142 - Training centers 830 - Reporting of aircraft accidents and preservation of wreckage The AIM section includes parts: 1- Air navigation and radio aids 2- Radar services and procedures 3- Airport lighting aids & obstruction lighting 4- Airport marking aids and signs 5- Airspace - general 6 - Airspace - controlled 7 - Airspace - class G 8 - Airspace - special use 9 - Airspace - other 10 - Air traffic services 11 - Radio phraseology and techniques 12 - Airport operations 13 - ATC clearances and separation 14 - ATC procedures - preflight 15 - Departure procedures 16 - En route procedures 17 - Arrival procedures 18 - Pilot/controller roles and responsibilities 19 - National security and interception procedures 20 - Emergency procedures - general 21 - Emergency services available to pilots 22 - Distress and urgency procedures 23 - Radio failure procedures 24 - Flight safety - meteorology 25 - Altimeter settings 26 - Wake turbulence 27 - Bird hazards 28 - Other potential flight hazards 29 - Hazard reporting 30 - Fitness for flight and other medical factors 31 - Charts and related publications 32 - Pilot/controller glossary PART 1 - Definitions and Abbreviations PART 43 - Maintenance and alterations PART 71- Designation of airspace areas PART 91 - General flight rules PART 135 - Commuter and on-demand operations PART 141 - Pilot schools PART 830 - Reporting of aircraft accidents PART 1540 - Civil aviation security PART 1544 - Aircraft operator security هنا نجد الكتاب موزع على صفحات https://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text...4/14tab_02.tpl https://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text...4/14tab_02.tpl |
مشاركة [ 5 ] | ||||
تصفح الكتاب من خلال هذا الموقع المميز https://www.kingschools.com/library/f...b.asp#bodyWell الموقع الرسمي لمحتويات دليل FAR/AIM https://faraim.org/ ومن هنا يمكن تحميل دليل AIM https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/ATpubs/AIM/ هنا جميع الاصطلاحات الواردة في الكتاب AFM means airplane flight manual. AGL means above ground level. ALS means approach light system. APU means auxiliary power unit. ASR means airport surveillance radar. ATC means air traffic control. ATS means Air Traffic Service. CAMP means continuous airworthiness maintenance program. CAS means calibrated airspeed. CAT II means Category II. CHDO means an FAA Flight Standards certificate holding district office. CMP means configuration, maintenance, and procedures. CONSOL or CONSOLAN means a kind of low or medium frequency long range navigational aid. DH means decision height. DME means distance measuring equipment compatible with TACAN. EAS means equivalent airspeed. EFVS means enhanced flight vision system. Equi-Time Point means a point on the route of flight where the flight time, considering wind, to each of two selected airports is equal. ETOPS means extended operations. EWIS , as defined by §25.1701 of this chapter, means electrical wiring interconnection system. FAA means Federal Aviation Administration. FFS means full flight simulator. FM means fan marker. FSTD means flight simulation training device. FTD means flight training device. GS means glide slope. HIRL means high-intensity runway light system. IAS means indicated airspeed. ICAO means International Civil Aviation Organization. IFR means instrument flight rules. IFSD means in-flight shutdown. ILS means instrument landing system. IM means ILS inner marker. INT means intersection. LDA means localizer-type directional aid. LFR means low-frequency radio range. LMM means compass locator at middle marker. LOC means ILS localizer. LOM means compass locator at outer marker. M means mach number. MAA means maximum authorized IFR altitude. MALS means medium intensity approach light system. MALSR means medium intensity approach light system with runway alignment indicator lights. MCA means minimum crossing altitude. MDA means minimum descent altitude. MEA means minimum en route IFR altitude. MEL means minimum equipment list. MM means ILS middle marker. MOCA means minimum obstruction clearance altitude. MRA means minimum reception altitude. MSL means mean sea level. NDB (ADF) means nondirectional beacon (automatic direction finder). NM means nautical mile. NOPAC means North Pacific area of operation. NOPT means no procedure turn required. OEI means one engine inoperative. OMmeans ILS outer marker. OPSPECS means operations specifications. PACOTS means Pacific Organized Track System. PAR means precision approach radar. PMA means parts manufacturer approval. PTRS means Performance Tracking and Reporting System. RAIL means runway alignment indicator light system. RBN means radio beacon. RCLM means runway centerline marking. RCLS means runway centerline light system. REIL means runway end identification lights. RFFS means rescue and firefighting services. RNAV means area navigation. RR means low or medium frequency radio range station. RVR means runway visual range as measured in the touchdown zone area. SALS means short approach light system. SATCOM means satellite communications. SSALS means simplified short approach light system. SSALSR means simplified short approach light system with runway alignment indicator lights. TACAN means ultra-high frequency tactical air navigational aid. TAS means true airspeed. TCAS means a traffic alert and collision avoidance system. TDZL means touchdown zone lights. TSO means technical standard order. TVOR means very high frequency terminal omnirange station. V A means design maneuvering speed. V B means design speed for maximum gust intensity. V C means design cruising speed. V D means design diving speed. V DF/ M DF means demonstrated flight diving speed. V EF means the speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail during takeoff. V F means design flap speed. V FC/ M FC means maximum speed for stability characteristics. V FE means maximum flap extended speed. V FTO means final takeoff speed. V H means maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power. V LE means maximum landing gear extended speed. V LO means maximum landing gear operating speed. V LOF means lift-off speed. V MC means minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative. VMO/ M MO means maximum operating limit speed. V MU means minimum unstick speed. VNE means never-exceed speed. V NO means maximum structural cruising speed. V R means rotation speed. V REF means reference landing speed. V S means the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable. V S0 means the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration. V S1 means the stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed obtained in a specific configuration. V SR means reference stall speed. V SRO means reference stall speed in the landing configuration. V SR1 means reference stall speed in a specific configuration. V SW means speed at which onset of natural or artificial stall warning occurs. VTOSS means takeoff safety speed for Category A rotorcraft. V X means speed for best angle of climb. V Y means speed for best rate of climb. V 1 means the maximum speed in the takeoff at which the pilot must take the first action (e.g., apply brakes, reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes) to stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop distance. V1 also means the minimum speed in the takeoff, following a failure of the critical engine at VEF, at which the pilot can continue the takeoff and achieve the required height above the takeoff surface within the takeoff distance. V 2 means takeoff safety speed. V 2min means minimum takeoff safety speed. VFR means visual flight rules. VHF means very high frequency. VOR means very high frequency omnirange station. VORTAC means collocated VOR and TACAN. |
مشاركة [ 6 ] | ||||
راجع الموضوع التالي حيث يضم اكثر الأسئلة التي يتم طرحها في أختبارات الرخص التجارية والرخص الخاصة لجميع أنواع الطائرات: . أسئلة أختبارات رخص الطيران التجاري Commercial pilot License |
مشاركة [ 7 ] | ||||
جميع الاختبارات - مماثل للأسئلة الصادرة من شركة جليم
جميعها من الموقع الرسمي FAA الاسئلة والاجابات لجميع الشهادات FAA Written Exam Private Pilot Question Bank Commercial Pilot Question Bank ATP Question Bank CFI Written Exam Question Bank Dispatcher Written Exam Meteorology and Weather Services Aerodynamics Steep Turns Question Bank جميع هذه الأسئلة والاجابات تجدونها في الرابط التالي موزعة على ملفات هناك أكثر من 3000 سؤال وأجابة https://air.flyingway.com/faa_exam/ بالتوفيق أن شاء الله لجميع الاخوة في أختباراتهم |
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جميع هذه الملفات بصيغة pdf أضغط بالزر الأيمن وأختر حفظ الهدف بإسم Private Pilot License Question & Answer Bank
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موضوع مغلق |
أكاديميات ومدارس الطيران Academic School |
المواضيع المتشابهه | ||||
الموضوع | المنتدى | |||
كتب x كتب | القسم العام | |||
كتب الطيران الشراعي | المجلس | |||
المكتبه الإسلاميه ( قرآن كريم ، تفسير ، سنه ، فقه ، مواقع مشائخ ، تراث إسلامي ) ... | الملتقى الإســلامـي | |||
كتب .. تدريب .. مواقع تهتم بهندسة الطيران .. | هندسة وصيانة الطائرات Engineering & Aircraft Maintenance |