المحادثة بين kokato و sarah muhammad
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. sarah muhammad
    21-04-2009 11:01 PM
    sarah muhammad
    السلام عليكم ازيك عامل ايه
    اتمنى انك تكون بخير
  2. sarah muhammad
    17-04-2009 09:02 PM
    sarah muhammad
    thanks alot for accepting me as afriend its my pleasure i wish u all the best and make all ur dreams become true not only one
    i wanna u know that i will be here for u anytime
  3. kokato
    15-04-2009 11:21 AM
    hello sara
    it's my pleasure to
    start a friendship , welcome @ FLYINGWAY forums
    ISA u will achieving your dream

الساعة الآن 05:53 AM.
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