kazanouva_007 مازال في بداية الطريق

kazanouva_007 kazanouva_007 غير متواجد حالياً

درجة الضيافة

رسائل الزوار

عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 5 من 5
  1. BrightAngel
    20-11-2010 08:03 PM
    First, I have decided not to go because my personal paper wasn't ready then after thinking well I decided to go weather I have them or not ..
    Then I went there and they let me attend the exam.
    And thanks for your asking,
    I did well and it was ok..
    But I didn't do the airhosting abbreviations ..
    I've read them before on the internet but I couldn't remember them so I left them.
    Tell me about you, how did you do in the exam?
    Sorry for being a cause of disturbance..
  2. BrightAngel
    20-11-2010 05:30 PM
    thank you for your response and I would be honoured if I came along with you
    But it's my bad luck that I didn't read this message until now
    So I want to thank you for your generousity and also your cooperation
    Thanks a lot..
  3. BrightAngel
    20-11-2010 05:28 PM
    Thanks a lot..
  4. kazanouva_007
    19-11-2010 02:38 AM
    No problem at all well from what i heard we are going to attend a preliminary exam first then the successful ones will be called for an interview if you want to come along i have no problem
  5. BrightAngel
    19-11-2010 01:09 AM
    sorry for sending to you at this time but I knew that you're going on Friday and also you are the only one who is available so please please if you know extra information about the interview please let me know ... Thanks a lot

معلومات عني

  • معلومات عن kazanouva_007
    الخطوط الجوية
    العربية للطيران
    القسم المفضل


إجمالي المشاركات
رسائل الزوار
مجموع الشكر
معلومات عامة
  • آخر نشاط: 12-10-2020 08:02 PM
  • تاريخ التسجيل: 14-11-2008
  • الإحالات/الدعوات: 0

الساعة الآن 11:13 PM.
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