المحادثة بين sss8460 و mo320777
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 2 من 2
  1. mo320777
    27-06-2011 01:31 AM
    and sorry for my late reply
  2. mo320777
    27-06-2011 12:30 AM
    salamo 3likom 3abdel ra7eem

    i saw your message and dont worry i will help you isa

    i dont recommend those expensive schools like ATP AND FLIGHT SAFETY YOU PAY ALOT OF MONEy and you get the same as any other student in any school
    i know a very good school that i highly recommend for you i its one of the best school in usa i graduated from this school 2 years ago it was really very nice school and they are so professional i know the owenrs of the school they are my friends and i can help you out with everything you want from A TO Z any questions how to apply the papers everything , they have alot of planes and instructors and the qualtiy of training is really high

    so lets start putting you on the track brother to fillfull ur dreams :)

الساعة الآن 10:39 PM.
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