المحادثة بين ك.أبو الندر و mo320777
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 1 من 1
  1. mo320777
    27-06-2011 03:31 AM
    salamo 3likom

    i know very good school that i graduated from in tx and i am ready to help anyone who want to go for flight training in usa they offer part 141 and 61 the school is really good and got

    more than 15 planes g 1000 and normal 172 and they have more than 15 instructors
    am ready to helo from A TO Z
    FOR 141 :
    195hours total flight time - 165 hours SEL and 30 hours MEL
    Private Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land
    Commercial Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land / Instrument
    Commercial Pilot, Airplane Multi-Engine Land / Instrument

    so if anyone whose interested please contact me
    [email][email protected][

الساعة الآن 08:32 AM.
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