المحادثة بين mo320777 و Capt Yasser
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. mo320777
    27-06-2011 12:09 AM
    captain yasser did you find a school or not yet ?
  2. Capt Yasser
    01-12-2010 12:56 AM
    Capt Yasser
    هلا اخوي ..

    تلقيت رسالتك وشكرا على اهتمامك

    انا بشوف الاكاديميه وبتصفح موقعهم

    ياريت تضيفني على الايميل

    [email protected]
  3. mo320777
    01-12-2010 12:50 AM
    salamo 3likom we ra7mt allah we barakot

    am graduated from a school in Texas called (( MONARCHAIR)) , i finished in 6 months ( ppl+IR+CPL+ATP WRITTEN ) its really one of the best schools in usa .the staff are really professional and they have plenty of instructors and fleets , G1000 and all the models are like 2005-2008
    and they have alot of facilites and everything around and its much cheaper its 39000$ alot cheaper than epic and atp and they have really professional instructors ,so if you guys are interested i know all the staff there and i know the owenrs they are friends of mine .so if your a group i can help you , guys out and get a discount so it could be really good price for u all

    so if anybody is interested just let me know and am ready to help u
    [email protected]

الساعة الآن 12:12 AM.
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