المحادثة بين misstekka و Khadidja
عرض رسائل الزوار 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. misstekka
    25-10-2009 01:45 AM
    hii khadidja thanks sooo much 4 ur reply i actually went 2 the open day but not accepted she just ask 2 question how old and what r u doing nw i replied noting i just take courses in languages which i studied just it but i knew i wont accepted my english was good but my answer was too shallow:D thnks god 4 every thing
  2. Khadidja
    24-10-2009 07:47 PM
    Sorry not to answer before, i've just saw your message... And yes! you HAVE to wear formal clothes; black and white or grey and white... whatever. But YOU HAVE to be really formal, even your hair must be formal lol wallah! you're expected to tie your hair back. If there's anything else in which i can help you just let me know please
  3. misstekka
    13-10-2009 08:17 PM
    hey khadidja how r u i hope u remember me i was speak to u in topic which u told us about ur experience with qatar airways . i want to ask u about that open day what can i wear casual clothes or formal ?i really hope receive answer from u coz they'll come to egypt soon and merci to u

الساعة الآن 05:28 AM.
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